Craig Butler

I take a multiple disciplinary approach to providing protective services. By providing exceptional customer service and having a diverse professional skill set, I have the potential to mitigate possible security vulnerabilities.
Having a background as a United States Marine, Florida Fire-Fighter/Paramedic, personal trainer, personal assistant and security professional, I’m able to minimize contact with the amount of people coming into a client's personal space by doing many of the tasks that multiple employees would be tasked to do. As a result, I not only assist in conflict mitigation, but my presence has the potential to add value by saving money.
I have worked with athletes, musicians, executives and CEOs of companies and women who have been in domestic violence situations. It is my belief that regardless of the circumstance, quality service should and will always be provided.
As a security professional, I address issues before they become problems and aim to make the everyday needs of the client easier.
Indiana University of Pennsylvania- Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology
Select International- Executive Protection
Executive Security International- Executive Protection
Lasorsa & Associates-Executive Protection/Defensive & Evasive Driving
VSS Security & Firearms Academy- Class D&G
Florida Medical Training Institute- EMT/Paramedic
Coral Springs Fire Academy- Florida State Firefighter
NREMT Paramedic
PALS Pediatric Advance Life Support
ACLS Advanced Cardiac Life Support
AMLS Advanced Medical Life Support
PHTLS Pre-hospital Trauma Life Support
EVOC Emergency Vehicle Operators Course
CPR/AED/First Aid Certified-Adult and Child
Florida State CCW License
Florida State Security D License
Florida State Security G License
Personal Training- American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)