Soren Stufkosky

Soren Stufkosky is a former infantryman who served honorably in the United States Marine Corp for six years. Soren is currently working as Director of Operation for Saint Michael Tactical. For the past three years Soren has used his military training and experience to focus on executive protection and high risk security. Soren believes in a common goal, to provide professional, ethical, top quality and serious personal protection. While at SMT, Soren has worked details for T.V. personalities, legendary musicians, Olympic athletes, dignitary’s, work place violence prevention and the like.
Height - 5’8”
Weight - 194 lbs.
Current State License:
California Security Officers Licenses- 1921728
California Concealed Carry- 31573671
Protective Detail Specialist- Select International- PDS16B006
Additional Training:
Weapons of Mass Destruction- 3150-113-1245, Valley Guard Training
Advance Arrest, Search and Seizure- 3150-119-8463, Valley Guard Training
California Power to Arrest- 3150-121-2476, Valley Guard Training
Drivers Safety- 3150-103-6808, Valley Guard Training
Officer Safety- 3150-118-1422, Valley Guard Training
Tactical Combat Casualty Care, TCCC, NAEMT, TC-16-4136-13
Adult CPR/AED, Child CPR and First Aid- GR54Z3
Youth Protection Training
First Responder Training
0311 Infantrymen – USMC
1812 Tank Commander - USMCR
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