Terry Holmes

Contact information:
Terry Holmes, is a US Army combat veteran, who served honorably for 23 years. Terry served and conducted combat tours of duty with various Elite US Army commands such as, the 82nd Airborne, US Army Rangers and most notably an 18-month (2006-2008) tour of duty with the secretive Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), where he was recognized by the Commander of Delta Force for outstanding leadership while serving as the Senior Enlisted US Advisor for the embedded Iraqi Special Forces Company that was assigned to the JSOC task force.
Terry began his career in the Private Security industry in 2011, upon his retirement from the US Army. Despite being in the Private Security industry for 6 years, Terry has proven he is among the best in the business, by attending various security courses, obtaining and maintaining numerous licenses and certifications, that surely shows his dedication and commitment. Terry has work with local, state and Federal Agencies providing, Training and Security. Most notable assignment was serving as a Federal Security Officer for the National Protection and Program Directorate of the Department of Homeland Security, while serving there, Terry was given 3 commendations of excellence awarded by the Federal Protective Services (FPS).
Licensed to work throughout Maryland, Florida and OCONUS
Height- 5' 9"
Weight- 215 lbs.
Current State Licenses
Florida Security Agency Manager MB170001
Florida Security Officer D1131738
Florida State-Wide Firearms G1107382
Florida Private Investigator Intern License CC1600374
Florida Security Officer Instructor DI1800051
Florida Concealed Firearms WX1132156
Maryland Security Officer #102-203537
Florida Notary #FF963682
American Heart Association CPR/AED
First Aid American Heart Association BLS Instructor
Manadock Baton Instructor
Pepper Spray Instructor
Defensive Tactics Instructor
Handcuff/ Restraint Instructor
Use of Force Instructor Firearms Instructor
(US Army/ NRA) M4 Carbine Instructor
Executive Protection Defensive Driving
Tactical Medical Training.
FEMA Active Shooter
Protective Detail Specialist Course- Select-International
Executive Protection/ Bodyguard course -IEP
NRA LE Handgun course
NRA Range Safety Course
DDM (Designated Defensive Marksmanship Instructor)
US Total Army Instructor
Level 4 Modern Army Combative Instructor
Long Range Reconnaissance Surveillance Course
US Army Jungle Expert Course
US Army Mountain Warfare Course
US Army Master Gunner Course
US Army Armorer Course
US Army Chemical Biological Course